Section: Scientific Foundations

Structured coupled low- and high-level visual perception

A general framework for the fundamental problems of image segmentation, object recognition and scene analysis is the interpretation of an image in terms of a set of symbols and relations among them. Abstractly stated, image interpretation amounts to mapping an observed image, X to a set of symbols Y. Of particular interest are the symbols Y * that optimally explain the underlying image, as measured by a scoring function s that aims at distinguishing correct (consistent with human labellings) from incorrect interpretations:

Y * = argmax Y s(X,Y)(1)

Applying this framework requires (a) identifying which symbols and relations to use (b) learning a scoring function s from training data and (c) optimizing over Y in Eq. 1 .

A driving force behind research in GALEN has been the understanding that these three aspects are tightly coupled. In particular, efficient optimization can be achieved by resorting to sparse image representations that 'shortlist' putative solutions and/or by working with scoring functions that can be efficiently optimized. However, the accuracy of a scoring function is largely affected by the breadth of relationships that it accommodates, as well as the completeness of the employed image representation. Determining the tradeoff between these two requirements is far from obvious and often requires approaches customized to the particular problem setting addressed. Summarizing, even though the three problems outlined above can be addressed in isolation, an integrated end-to-end approach is clearly preferable, both for computational efficiency and performance considerations.

Research in GALEN has therefore dealt with the following problem aspects: first, developing a generic and reliable low-level image representation that can be used transversally across multiple tasks. The use of learning-based techniques has been pursued for boundary detection and symmetry detection in [32] , yielding state-of-the-art results, while in [27] trajectory grouping was used to come up with a mid-level representation of spatio-temporal data. Complementary to the detection of geometric structures, we have also explored methods for their description both for image and surface data [17] . We are currently pursuing the formulation of the task in structured prediction terms, which will hopefully allow us to exploit the geometrical interdependencies among symmetry and boundary responses.

Second, we have worked on learning scoring functions for detection with deformable models that can leverage upon the developed low-level representations, while also being amenable to efficient optimization. Building on our earlier work on using boundary and symmetry detector responses to perform groupwise registration within categories we used discriminative learning to train hierarchical object models that rely on shape-based representations; these were successfully applied to the detection of shape-based categories, while we are currently pursuing their integration with appearance-based models.

Third, efficient optimization for deformable models was pursued in [18] , where we have developed novel techniques for object detection that employ combinatorial optimization tools (A * and Branch-and-Bound) to tame the combinatorial complexity; in particular our work has a best-case performance that is logarithmic in the number of pixels, while our work in [18] allows us to further accelerate object detection by integrating low-level processing (convolutions) with a bounding-based object detection algorithm. Working on a different approach, in [10] we have pursued the exploitation of reinforcement-learning to optimize over the set of shapes derivable from shape grammars. We are currently pursuing a full-fledged bounding-based inference algorithm, which will integrate the tasks of boundary detection and grouping in a single, integrated object detection algorithm.